Monday, July 21, 2008

Leave me a memory about you and I! First time meeting, funny, sad, crazy events etc.
Here is how you play:1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! 2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

1. Family

2. Jansen and Holly are going to be coming to visit!

3. The best Mom that anyone could ask for.


tHe BuNkeRs said...

I can remember going to your house and that we went bowling...I am pretty sure Stacy Richins was there too.

I think it was a different trip when we drove up by the Bountiful Temple and were looking over the city talking (were we in a convertable?) when a van drove by and stopped and about 15 boys in REALLY short shorts got out and ran by pretending they were training for a running event. We were laughing so hard. After they ran past they just hopped in the van and drove away. So random.

I also remember you coming to Mesquite and we went out with some of my friends. Seems like there was something to do with a cute boy's mom's car, a long stretch of road, and a police officer. Need i say more?

Good times!

Holly said...

I've got one for ya!!!! My memory is when I was newly married to your brother and you and I were teasing each other. Jansen had warned me that you were the closest thing he had to a brother...but I didn't see how that would affect me...
My sister and I would always tease each other by slapping each other's bums. I don't know where it came from but I slapped your bum (not hard, though!!!!) and you wacked me harder than I've ever been wacked before. It was then that I realized that I should never mess with you when it comes to slapping bums!!!!!!!!

I don't know where that one came from, I have tons of awesome memories of you but that was a funny one Ü.

Love ya!


Heidi said...

Holly! I never let you believe that those hurt, but holy crap! I'm glad when we stopped doing that. I've gotten soft in my old age!

I've have to say that this last time we flew out to see you guys in MD. It was so good to have all that time with you guys to really be able to chill out with you. I still miss Lulu more than my heart can bear. You guys restored our faith in board games. Tyler got hooked. I told this to Jansen already but Tyler wanted to play that game every night for the next 3 months! We are so happy that you guys are coming home soon!

Heidi said...

I totally forgot about those guys in the short short shorts! They should make a law about that. This is Utah for heaven sakes! That was a fun time when you and Stacey came to visit. This may sound stupid but I'm glad that thing happened with the car cause I learned a lot about my Dad from that police officer on that day!

I remember when you guys got the new rec center that was huge and we went and hung out there. Then when your dad gave me that "scooter" to get around on cause I needed a mode of transportation while I stayed with you guys. Didn't you work at a Subway or something like that? I loved coming down there to weddings to see you cause we never had a dull moment!

Mike and Em said...

I remember when I hit you in the head with a baseball bat on accident ;) ALso I remember when we hit patty in the head with a baseball bat ON ACCIDENT! We tried to cover up the blood stains on the driveway because you know that mom and dad would notice them...lots of good softball memories...I remember trying to do horses with you, yep, that didn't last long at all after I had to clean the stalls.

Holly said...

I remember you coming home after cleaning the stalls and stinking up the house :) I remember softball games and camping. Lots of softball games and camping!

I remember being jealous that you got to go with Dad and Jansen on some big major camping trip....and I was left at home :)