Saturday, September 13, 2008

Horse girl is back!
I finally got back into showing! I have to say that I don't think I realized how much I really missed it. I did two shows, and I'm sorry for not posting about the first one. I know everyone was dying to see it. But then Holly beat me too it. I just want to say thank you to my family for going and supporting me. It really meant a lot. Tyler was the best groom a girl could ask for! Here is my beautiful and talented horse.
Isn't she cute! Her name is Sanka and she IS the Wonder Pony! That would be Mom's hat on her head. You can have your kids pull on this horses ears, pull her hair, poke her nose, and she doesn't even care. I have laid down and fallen asleep on the back of this horse. I got a first place on the first show I did in South Jordan, then I just did my first full event in Ogden, in which I came in second. It was a lot of fun, and I can't wait for the season to start next year!

1. Barb Progess
2. A great supporting family
3. A supporting husband that won't ever let me grow up

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Be Proud!!

Our kitchen is a mess!

So we had a unnatural amount of tomatoes in our garden this year. I think Tyler fed them some radioactive green slime or something. :) Someone had the brilliant idea to make salsa since we were also growing peppers. So that is how my kitchen was turned into a disaster zone!

Once we got everything chopped up, it was actually kind of fun! Until we found out that since we had put garlic into our salsa that we had to put it into a pressure cooker. We figured this out after we already did that bath thing. So we are heating them up again. Mom gave us this awesome recipe from a lady at her work and it's really good. I just hope that it's not going to explode on us! It's steaming pretty hard right now.

Check out our ghetto stove! So we have been doing this since five o'clock this evening. It's now 9:30. But there is an end in sight! Tyler just said it's going to be about 45 mins now! Yeah! I feel like little Sally Homemaker. I made a whole bunch of Zucchini bread last night and now I'm canning! Wish us luck!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What instrument do you resemble most?

The ward that Tyler and I attend is in the Woods Cross High School area. Most of the people in my ward either was a student in the band or is a parent of a band member. I love all the stories that they have told me about Dad and Mom. This one happens to be the latest thing stumbled upon. Kelli (who also happens to be in some of my classes for nursing) was a student of Dad. Her daughter happened to come across this.

1. Videos of Dad that I've never seen before.

2. Good friends and their stories.

3. The look on Tylers face while he watches this.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Quick Get Away

So earlier this week I really wanted to get out before school started again. I have been working a lot of over time and haven't had time to do anything else. I know, I know. You guys have been checking my blog every day, I'm sure, to see if I've posted anything. . I'm sorry to have let you down. :)

Sadly we didn't catch any fish. But I can honestly say for probably the first and only time in my married life that our hearts weren't into it. And when I say "our" I mean Tyler. Tyler just got into the Fablehaven books. He usually likes to take his time reading things, but this is the 3rd book and he started the series 6 days ago. I just got done with the Twilight series so I started on book one of Fablehaven. Take note that these events that I've taken into evidence with this picture will probably never happen again. There have been times when I have physically had to pry the fishing pole from his fingers.

We had the Benadryl and Prednisone ready just in case. But thankfully Misha came back with no bee stings. I had enough fun the last time that happened. I think that the last time has taught her not to go chasing after them. Although, in this picture I can almost see her having an internal argument about whether or not to go after them.
These bees were everywhere. The constant buzzing made it sound like we were in that movie with the killer bees chasing after everyone. The bees collect the pollen and keep them in sacks on their legs. They fly around with huge orange balls weighing them down. You could hear the lower buzzing from the ones that had to work harder to stay in the air. They looked extremely happy.

This picture does not do this justice. Misha does this thing where she digs around in the dirt to try to get it fluffed up. But after she fluffs she pushes the dirt back out so she can do that little circle thing to lay down. She has gotten it so bad sometime that her whole face is completely white. I think it's safe to say that she's a little spoiled. She won't lay down in that spot until every rock has been removed. Usually by the time she is done with it we are moving to the next spot.

1. No Swelling!
2. Being able to find the LAST camp site in Tony Grove.
3. Finally being able to have the day off.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

So it's been an interesting weekend.

Misha has a history of allergic reactions. Tyler went for a day hike and this is how my dog came home. I took this picture two hours after we gave her the drugs. Just imagine her eyes looking like an old Asian monk. This isn't actually the worst she's had it either. I feel like we have a child sometimes when she gets sick. But I guess it's sort of a warm up for when we actually have some.

1. Best bestest Mom in the whole world

2. Benadryl and Prednisone

3. An awesome animal ER that know me well enough to give me advice over the phone.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Leave me a memory about you and I! First time meeting, funny, sad, crazy events etc.
Here is how you play:1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! 2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

1. Family

2. Jansen and Holly are going to be coming to visit!

3. The best Mom that anyone could ask for.

Sad News
With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person, which almost went unnoticed last week. Larry LaPrise, the man that rote "The Hokey-Pokey" died peacefully at the age of 93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in, and then the trouble started.
Shut up. You know it's funny. I'll have updates for last week in a couple days. :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So can you tell that I have so much going on in my life right now? I'm sitting at work trying to think of things that I could write on my blog since I really haven't put anything on there for awhile. And I saw this story on Yahoo's home page. I've recently gotten couple email from friends that talk about how gas companies aren't certifying their pumps, so you need to check the price and the amount of gas that you put in your cars to make sure that your getting the same amount of gas that you pay for. But this story is something new that I haven't heard of yet.
I know it's lame, but I'll have some pictures for you of Montana by the 21st. Tyler and I are going camping in Bear Tooth, Montana for a week. It's a long awaited trip that will be much needed. I also am getting back into showing horses and the next show I'm doing is on the 19th. I know you guys are dying to see those pictures. I'm sure it will look like this one above. :)
Here is that story of the gas scheme for anyone interested.

1. The church
2. Heating pads
3. Hot baths

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wow, so I've been trying to mess around with my background cause I was getting tired of seeing the same one over and over. I went on the internet (at work, cause it's Saturday and there is nothing to do) to look for some cute ideas. I found a good one and so I switched my HTML. It didn't work cause it said I had to have the classic blogging setting on. So I switched it over. Then all my stuff was erased. Can I just take a moment to say how computer illiterate I am? Kudos to all those computer nerds out there. To the rest of you, I feel your pain. I finally got some of my stuff back but now my list of friends is non existent. Bring on the jokes about me being friendless. I'm ready.
So here is my cry for help. Please, anyone out there know what I did?? Cause I don't really want to start all over. Plus does anyone know where I can get some cute backgrounds?
1. Computer nerds for in laws.
2. PC laptops
3. Nice doctors that bring me treats for being here.

Friday, June 20, 2008

So what do I find when I turn the TV On this morning? Boyz II Men is playing on the news!!! Happens that they are putting a new CD out so they invited them to perform. They Dance!! Not Brittney spears or some boy band dance. I mean they were dancing like something that you would see from that show back in the 70's that they would show in the middle of the night.
It so happens that my awesome sister used to love Boyz II Men. I remember her having a lot of their Cd's. They actually did pretty good on the show. I have to say even enjoyed their dancing, but I'm a geek like that. So Emily, needless to say your going to have a surprise when you get home. Sure luv ya!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thanks for the pictures Holly.
My dad has been one of the most influential people in my life. Even though he's not with us anymore, he's still a significant individual in my life. I still think about how he would like me to plant my plants in our garden. Knowing where to put the ones that needed the most sun. Trying to remember exactly how he would have fished a difficult part of the river to catch even the smallest of fish. When it wasn't really about the fishing at all. I love my dad so much for teaching me everything that he tried to instill into this hard head of mine. He was to patient, loving, and funny man. I still run into people that grew up with him and his siblings in California. I love to hear the stories they tell me about my crazy dad when he was growing up.

I still have a weird fondness for a complete stranger that happens to be wearing bib overalls. I wish he was still here so I could have him magically start our 100 year old tiller mom keeps in her yard next to her rose bushes. The new ones just don't do the job like dad would have liked. And I still have no idea how he would get it running. I think it had a something to do with spraying a lot of WD40 into the motor.

He's the reason that I have trouble killing little bugs in my house, even though Tyler thinks I'm weird. A dragon fly will never be just a dragon fly. Even when it's in a shoebox with lots of tissue. After six years I would have thought that it would get easier, but find that this year was one of the hardest since he's been gone. I love him very much and still miss his chuckles and words of good advice.
1. The best dad any girl could have asked for.

2. Heavenly Father

3. A great Grandpapa

Saturday, June 14, 2008

And so IT begins. . .

Tyler and I took the boat out over the weekend for the first time this year. Isn't she a beauty? Our neighbor was wondering if our huge truck is would be able to haul it. Needless to say our truck did fine. We set out to catch the much sought after wipers. The day was perfect. No breeze, hot sun, and no huge waves that would capsize our boat. We were golden. But when we set out, we noticed that people were taking off without any fish. We don't mind. We (mainly I) are out just to enjoy ourselves regardless of how much action we get. It's nice to sit out in the sun and let my iridescent skin get some much needed UV A's. A little while later, after a few false alarms with moss, we hook our first fish. We pull it up hoping to see a wiper, but to no avail .

Neither of us had ever caught a cat fish. For the record, they are REALLY ugly and they don't die. For the entire day, we caught cat fish. We didn't see any wipers at all. We felt better about it when nobody else was catching them around us either. You could tell Tyler was getting frustrated about it though. Anyways, we decided to keep two of them and give them a try. We feel a little better about eating them knowing we caught them on lures that look like fish. Tylers grandpa grew up in Missouri, so he loves them. And Mom says their good. So they can't be that bad.

1. Outdoors

2. Layne and Holly Thanks!!!

3. Gloveit

Sunday, June 8, 2008

So I have spent a little time to finally finish designing our blog. I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seats waiting for the finished product. I hope you like. Let me know what you think.
Tonight my visiting teacher and her husband who happens to be our home teacher asked us over for dinner tonight. It was a lot of fun to spend some time with them. They just changed all the assignments so I was missing my old VT. But it was delightful. Kristy and Joe have three beautiful boys. So cute and behaved that it almost made me want to have a child. Emphasis on almost. Two of which are redheads with freckles. Tyler played catch with them in the front yard for a while. I think that Their 10 yr old could throw it harder than he could. She made a great dinner and the best rolls I think I've ever had. If you want the recipe email me and I'll give it to you.

Anyways, I know this blog is not too entertaining but hopefully in time it will improve. I know that I'm not as witty and clever as the great LL. Those are some big shoes to fill.

1. Great HT's and VT's

2. Loving wonderful husband.

3. A neighbor dog to play with Misha so I don't have to when I'm tired. That way she's ready to cuddle when I'm going to relax